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      Epoxy floor curing precautions in use

         Modern factories have very high requirements for the floor. For example, when choosing an ordinary cement floor, the dust generated in the work is not only harmful to the health of employees, but also causes damage to some sophisticated instruments. It not only affects the quality of the product but also delays the work efficiency. Therefore, almost all modern factories choose different floor coating systems to suit their different environmental needs. According to experts, epoxy resin not only has high adhesion and load, but also has the advantages of toughness, wear resistance, smoothness and cost, and has been favored by many manufacturers. However, the long-term negative load will cause some damage to the floor. If the floor is new, maintenance will become very important.

      停車(chē)場(chǎng)專(zhuān)用防滑耐磨地板 (1).jpg

          How to maintain the epoxy floor:

      1. Wearing soft-soled shoes, in order to reduce the scratches on the surface of the sand by sharp objects and soles, it is recommended to replace the soft-soled shoes before entering the industrial floor area if the site conditions permit.

      2, waxing, irregular waxing treatment can make the floor as long as new, it is recommended to use special floor wax or emulsifying water-based wax, first use the floor cleaning machine or cotton mop to clean the floor and dry it, then hit Wax treatment. Waxing treatment can increase the abrasion resistance and scratch resistance of any floor material.

      3, daily cleaning. It can be tested with a floor cleaner or a wet rag. It can be cleaned with a neutral detergent. It can also be added to the water in a small concentration using a normal detergent to make a cleaning solution. Then use a floor cleaner or a cotton mop to clean the floor. The stain on the surface of the ping, and wash it again with water, dry the ground; pay attention to the edge of the floor paint should not have accumulated water for a long time.

      4. Pay attention to the speed of the forklift. Generally, the softening temperature of the epoxy floor paint is 80 °C. If the speed of the forklift is too fast, the shearing heat will be too high, and the epoxy floor paint will be softened instantaneously to produce stains that are difficult to clean.

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