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      What are the common problems with epoxy floor paint?

            Epoxy floor paint has the characteristics of anti-corrosion, anti-wear, anti-slip, low pollution and strong decoration. It has been widely used in industrial floors and environmental requirements. Due to the influence of construction quality and environmental factors, some quality problems have arisen. The following is a small analysis of the common problems of epoxy floor paints:

             1, bleed problem

             Bleeding means that when a color primer coating is coated with a topcoat of another color, the surface coating film may be discolored. The main reasons are as follows: the primer is not completely dried, the primer and There is color difference in the color of the topcoat, and the paint contains motley substances.

             2, the paint surface is more flower

             It refers to the phenomenon that the surface color of the coating film is not uniform enough, and there are streaks and color disorder, which is caused by improper composition of the painted surface and uneven application.

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        3, wrinkles, needle eyes, fish eyes

               Wrinkling occurs on the surface of the coating film. The main reason is that the drying speed of the inner and outer layers of the paint surface is inconsistent, causing the surface layer to be peeled off. The needle eye is caused by the solvent being too fast, and the paint liquid is not replenished in time. The fish eye is mixed with the paint or foreign matter. Causes uneven coating adhesion.

                4, rough, cracking problem

                Roughness refers to the appearance of particulate matter with different sizes on the surface layer. The main reason is that the paint contains impurities that are not easily dissolved and external dust. The phenomenon of surface cracking is caused by the problems of raw materials and construction quality, which leads to the decrease of the adhesion of the paint layer. Under the influence of external forces, the phenomenon of skin cracking occurs.

      5, the surface is white

                 It refers to the whitening phenomenon of the surface coating after the completion of the construction operation. There are several reasons: the humidity in the air is too high, and the quick drying agent is used in the drying process.

                 The above problems are particularly important in the purchase of floor paint merchants. There are a large number of inferior epoxy floor paint manufacturers on the market, and the construction technology is not in place, which is the source of the above problems.



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