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      Analysis of the various new normals that the curing agent industry will face in 2017

         I remember that some economists pointed out that the chemical industry is the representative of China's manufacturing industry. That is to say, the water-based curing agent industry is the same trend facing the new normal; the new normal is the state that the curing agent industry has to face, and needs to get rid of the inertia dependence of the traditional development mode as soon as possible, and actively adapt to the new requirements put forward under the new normal. Take a new path.

           For example, overcapacity is the industry's normal state. Overcapacity is an inevitable result of full competition in the industry. Resolving overcapacity will inevitably involve industrial restructuring, the survival of the fittest, and may oscillate in the short term, but this is by no means a task that can be completed in the short term.


          The current new normal is manifested in a wide and obvious way. Just say inkjet printing, hasn't it become the norm in two or three years? However, under the new normal, many manufacturers and merchants have shown anxiety and anxiety. Marketing techniques, used to use it is a few tricks. The management style has changed and it is still unable to get out of trouble. Experts, officials, or not, have proposed a series of well-made good suggestions for transformation, upgrading, cost reduction, opening up new markets, and adding new outlets. However, the real effect on the market is minimal. I am afraid that specific measures have to be combined with changes in the entire industrial environment and business climate.

            For example, slowing down is the industry's normal state. The curing agent market enters the stage of slowing demand growth, the product-oriented stage transitions to the demand-oriented stage, and the seller's market is transformed into the buyer's market. The new economic form requires a new development model combined with market economy, consumption awareness and market demand, and also forces enterprises to adjust. Production rhythm and market business model.


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